Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fall Leaves

The kids just LOVE fall now that we have a home with lot of trees in the yard and leaves to play in once again. When we lived in MA, our yard had 20+ old oak trees and we had more leaves than we knew what to do with. In the fall, they would be 2 feet deep all across our yard. Then when we first moved to NC, our yard had only 2 brand new trees, that's it. Brand new neighborhood = no trees. I was so happy, no more messy leaves to rake and blow! I had no idea how much we'd miss it. That first fall was just not the same. Now our new home has woods behind it and now that the leaves have started to fall, I predict that once again we will have more leaves than we can handle. The kids are in heaven and it truly feels like home.





Angie said...

That looks like so much fun!! I wish we had some trees in our backyard :( Maybe I'll come over & take some of