Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My "baby"

It's official! My first baby is now a teenager!! Madi turned 13 yesterday, so I guess I am officially old LOL. We had her requested dinner (homemade mac & cheese and salad) and then cupcakes and ice cream. Not sure why I opted for cupcakes instead of a cake, guess I want to hold onto her childhood just a little longer . She had already gotten her big gift from us (an Ipod Touch) a few weeks ago, but we also gave her Season One of GLEE on DVD. She was so excited to watch the Season 2 premiere last night!! From the rest of the fam she got tons and tons of clothes, an iTunes gift card and money.

Madi at 13 is 5'5" tall and all legs. She is so damned smart and she lets you know it! Her creativity amazes me and I am blessed to be able to watch her (and ALL of my kids) grow up right before my eyes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl, you'll always be my baby!
