Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camden is ONE!

Hard to believe it has been a whole YEAR since we welcomed our sweet boy into our life! He is one crazy, happy little dude! He started walking a few weeks ago and is getting closer to running now. He loves to get into anything and EVERYTHING he is not supposed to touch and has a special fondness for electrical cords. You'll often find him carrying around a Wii remote or my old cell phone, he much prefers these over his own toys! This morning he woke up with his 4th tooth...they are all on the bottom...strange boy LOL. Here's a recent pic, I'll be posting more after his party on Sunday.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My "baby"

It's official! My first baby is now a teenager!! Madi turned 13 yesterday, so I guess I am officially old LOL. We had her requested dinner (homemade mac & cheese and salad) and then cupcakes and ice cream. Not sure why I opted for cupcakes instead of a cake, guess I want to hold onto her childhood just a little longer . She had already gotten her big gift from us (an Ipod Touch) a few weeks ago, but we also gave her Season One of GLEE on DVD. She was so excited to watch the Season 2 premiere last night!! From the rest of the fam she got tons and tons of clothes, an iTunes gift card and money.

Madi at 13 is 5'5" tall and all legs. She is so damned smart and she lets you know it! Her creativity amazes me and I am blessed to be able to watch her (and ALL of my kids) grow up right before my eyes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl, you'll always be my baby!


Sunday, August 15, 2010


If anyone out there is not using Ebates, please consider it! If you shop online and click through their website, you automatically earn anywhere from 1-15% back on your purchases. Payments are made quarterly via mail by check or through PayPal. I just got another $15 deposited in my PayPal account. This week I bought a baby gate through Toys R Us and I have already earned another couple of dollars! They are a legit company and you earn cash back each and every time you shop online. Just go to the Ebates website, and start seeing how much you can earn!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mickey...HERE WE COME!

Look out Mickey Mouse, the Tibbetts family is headed your way! We are leaving tomorrow for an 8 day trip to DisneyWorld. We haven't been in 5 years, I think I may be more excited than the kids LOL. It seems like I've been in a blogging slump the past month, but I'm sure I'll have lots to post when we get back!

Just for fun, here's a recent pic of the Fabulous Mr. C....he is almost 8 months now and is army crawling all over the place, starting to pull up and cruise the couch, and is just an all around BUSY little man!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

My sweet baby Boo turns 11 today! She is in the middle of a growth spurt and is getting taller every day. Hannah is sweet, smart, and has a great sense of humor. Can't believe my baby girl is 11 already!!


Monday, May 17, 2010



Camden is entered in the 2010 Parents Magazine Cover Contest. You can vote once per day! The winner of this weeks contest goes on to the semi finals! Please help us out and VOTE EACH DAY!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

We're Off!

Anyone who knows me at all knows these 2 simple facts about me:

1) I do everything last minute
2) I can't pass up a good deal

With those 2 facts in mind, we decided last night that we are making a trip HERE tomorrow for a long weekend!

They are running a special where you pay for one night and stay the second night free. With that kind of discount, we were able to get a nice big suite to spread out in (with 4 kids, that's a necessity LOL).

The place looks really cool. The room is themed like a log cabin. There is one big indoor waterpark and 2 outdoor, hopefully the weather will cooperate!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Some new milestones!

Camden is going a mile a minute these days! He is 5 1/2 months old and is so much fun! He loves to scoot around in his walker on the hardwood floors.


He is making this new face where he tucks his lips in and spits, we call it his "old man face" LOL


He is scooting forward a bit on his belly. He uses his legs to push off but his arms aren't quite as strong, so he sort of face plants. Here he is trying to inch toward the cat.


Last but certainly not least, he is sitting up a bit on his own! Only a minute or two at a time but he loves sitting and playing with his toys!




Thursday, April 8, 2010

A few new pics

I post tons of pics on Facebook but often forget to update this blog for all of you holdouts! Here are a few new ones of the fabulous Mr. C ... seriously the dude is always smiling!








Saturday, March 27, 2010

WIN a camera on

WOW, check out this contest on Epiphanie! You can win a Canon 5D Mark II camera or a $2500 Southwest Airlines gift card!! Man I'd love either one of those!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


....You are not allowed to grow anymore! My sweet baby boy is now 4 months old!! He gets cuter everyday and we just love him to pieces!

Today was Camden's 4 month check up. He weighs 16 lbs 15 oz. (75th%ile), and is 27 inches long (95th+%ile). He had 3 shots and laughed through the first 2! Literally, he was cracking up at the nurse and didn't even notice she had done them! The 3rd one he cried for about 2 seconds and gave me a look like "What did you let her do that for?!?"

Camden is still an easy going, happy baby. He laughs and babbles all day long. He has rolled over both ways, back to tummy and tummy to back, but does not do it often. He loves to bounce in his Jumperoo and squeal loudly! His favorite time of day is bathtime, he starts waving his arms and legs in excitement as we head into the bathroom. He is starting a little stranger anxiety, not only with strangers but with anyone who isn't MAMA. If someone else is holding him, he will look at me and realize I am not the one holding him and then watch out, he starts wailing!

He gets a little rice cereal in his bottle for reflux but I may try some on a spoon to see what he thinks. I am holding off on fruits and veggies until 6 months and plan to make my own baby food. The perfect time of year for all those fresh veggies we'll be growing in the garden!

Here are a few pics of my monkey man at 4 months old!







Monday, March 8, 2010

Upward Basketball

We had another great season of Upward basketball this year! Hannah and Evan were able to play, Madison was not as it only goes up to 6th grade and she is in 7th. But as you can see in one pic, she still participated; she and a friend got to man the buzzer! Here are a few pics from our last game this past Saturday.

Evan on defense:

Looking to pass:


Getting heated on the sidelines, the game was pretty intense and Evan got frustrated that the other team kept stealing the ball.

Consoled by Daddy :)

Refueling after a good game!

Madi mans the buzzer:

Camden chills with Daddy and chews on his hands:

He loves watching the games, I think he likes the action and excitement!

Time for Hannah's game!


Get the rebound

On the defense


Take the ball down




We'll miss these Saturday games, our whole family really enjoyed it! This was our 3rd year participating and the kids have gotten really good at it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

3 months!!

I swear the older I get, the faster time goes by! Our sweet baby boy is 3 months old! How can that be? It seems just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital, yet it feels as if he has always been a part of our family. He is the perfect ending to our family story, the puzzle piece that makes us complete. Camden is by far the most easy going of the bunch, always smiling, laughing and "talking". He is starting to hold onto toys, suck his thumb, and sleep through the night (YES!)His blue eyes light up the room and he brings joy to us every day. The name "Camden" is Scottish for "the long and winding road". It was a long winding road to get him here; with tears, and doubts, and complications galore, but it was definately a trip worth taking.







Thursday, January 21, 2010

A glimpse of spring!

Yesterday was gorgeous, 65 degrees and sunny. We need more days like that, winter is so depressing! Even though the kids are not feeling fantastic, we managed to get in a game of basketball in the driveway. I figured the fresh air would do us good! Check out that Carolina blue sky behind the house, haven't seen that in awhile. I'm so ready for every day to be so warm! P.S. Madi is not in the pics because she wasn't home yet, the middle school bus comes a bit later.








