Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Panthers.....

Evan and his best buddy across the cul de sac had a cute idea today, they wrote "fan mail" to some Panthers players. They have gone to a couple of games together recently and are really big fans. The cute thing was the "fan mail" consisted not of telling the players why they are so great and how much they admire them, but of asking them to send them stuff LOL like free tickets and a signed ball. Evan's buddy's dad is a cop and works in a swanky town nearby where alot of the players live, so they asked him if he could leave these letters in their mailboxes! Evan's says something like "My friend and I would like some tickets to a home game please. I would aprishate (appreciate) it." His buddy's says "My best friend would like some tickets to a home game", guess he's not taking the fall for being greedy! They made a few others as well, it was really cute!


My big girl (sniff)

Hannah came home from a sleepover all made up (even mascara!!) and with her hair done, she looked SO grownup! And then I of course made her wash it off, we don't "do" makeup just yet! Here she is holding the little girl I take care of fulltime, she is such a doll-baby.


Isn't it great to be pampered?

LOL, I took this cute pic of my kitten Charlie grooming our other cat, Mia. Usually she takes a motherly role (she's 18 months or so) and grooms him but today she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the spa treatment!


Christmas has come and gone......

Gosh, where did December go?!? I can't believe Christmas is past already but we sure enjoyed ourselves. Ours was pretty low-key and relaxing. Today I put all of the decorations away, inside and out, in preparation for Evan's birthday on Saturday (my baby will be 7!!). Here's a few pics of the kids with some of their loot. Santa scaled back quite a bit this year, I guess he feels the effects of the economy as well.




Happy New Year and here's to a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2009!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Christmas Photo

One of my least favorite things to get done for the holidays is to capture that perfect photo to include in our Christmas cards. I don't know why it seems like such a chore to me, but this year was no exception. The kids didn't want to wear what I wanted them to wear, they insisted on either scowling or fake smiling, which irks me to no end. Once we finally got our photo (not perfect, but acceptable) I tried to order cards online and the website wouldn't load.....just not meant to be this year. So anyway, here is the pose I decided on. I just had some prints made and taped one into each card. Pretty basic and boring but at least the cards are mailed, one more thing crossed off the list!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

It has been non-stop around here, shopping, wrapping, decorating....still can't believe Christmas is next week! Today we got some supplies to make our annual gingerbread houses out of graham crackers, vanilla icing, and candy. Here are the finished products, the kids had a blast!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The kids wanted to put the tree and other decorations up the *second* we got back for our trip LOL. This is the first year that they did the ornaments on the tree all by themselves without our help and they did a fantastic job! The only thing I added was the bow to the top. Here is a pic of the family room fireplace and tree. The lights never look as pretty in a photo as they do in person.
